Real photon + Virtual photon theory

Theory of real and virtual photons in brief

Inventor / Author : john sanjay SWAMIDAS

Albert Einstein proved the existence of a photon through the photo-electric effect , the inventor john sanjay SWAMIDAS takes the corspusclar theory of light a step further by proving theoretically and experimentally that there exists two types of photons , the real photon and the virtual photon.

Introduction to force exchange mechanism between particles (fermions)

Electric/Magnetic field of a single isolated charged particle

According to standard model of particle physics , there are two classes of fundamental particles , ‘Fermions & Bosons ‘ . Force is exchanged between two or more charged particles through force carrier particles called bosons . Bosons can of two types , Real or virtual bosons

  • Force is only felt between two or more particles (Basic newtonian mechanics)

  • The fermions can be present either in a conductor or a non conductor or they can be free

  • Just a single particle (Fermion) , creates just a field and not a force

  • Force is exchanged or felt through force carrier particles called bosons and in the case of electric and magnetic fields created by charged particles , these bosons are called photons

  • 5.These photons can be real or virtual photons . Real photons are actual particles (bosons ) whose properties like frequency can be measured Virtual photons are virtual particles concieved just to explain the coulomb or magnetic forces betwen two charged particles either free or bound in a conductor . As such its properties like frequency cannot be determined . Virtual photons or coulombian photons can also describe a charged particle’s field when the charged particle is in the presence of another charged particle or in the presence of a field. The field shape is determined by these coulombian photons

Force exchanged between charged particles through photons

In addition to the electrodynamic force where real photons are exchanged , we can identify a residual coulomb force or the electrostatic force between two charged particles (fermion) , through the exchange of virtual photons . The coulomb force can be attractive or repulsive . The virtual photons properties like frequency cannot be determined . The coulomb photons or virtual photons can also describe the field (shape) of a charged fermion either isolated or in the presence of an another charged particle or field . The shape of the field is determined by these coulombian photons. On the other hand these virtual photons can be exploited like real photons in various applications for example like creating a potential well or a virtual cathode by modifying the shape of the field . This potential well or the virtual cathode can be used to construct nuclear fusion devices

Summary : Theory of real and virtual photons

  • Most conductors in general do not emit real photons but emit only virtual photons. Any conductor charged or neutral emits no real photons but only virtual photons . This is due to the large wavelengths of the real photons produced inside the conductor that cannot escape. For example, a mobile phone’s antenna is a conductor and hence it emits no real photons but only virtual photons . Example of virtual photons are those that are exchanged due to coulomb attraction / repulsion between two charges

  • Real photon’s properties like frequency can be measured . Virtual photon’s properties like frequency cannot be determined.

New devices can be constructed exploiting the difference between real and virtual photons

  • Compact energy producing nuclear fusion reactors

  • Electrical vehicle high speed high power wireless chargers

  • High speed THz wireless communication devices

Even today a vast majority of the scientific and engineering community do not understand the concept of real photons and virtual photons (non-physical ) and do not distinguish between real photons and virtual(non-physical) photons.

For example they use a general term ‘Photon’ to describe the composition of electromagnetic fields. Most of them also think that RF devices(Radio frequency devices) generate real photons , which is not the case.

Most of the existing electromagnetic transmission (RF) devices do not emit real photons , with an exception of the light emitting lamps which do emit real photons in the visible range .

In the inventor's disclosed patented invention

Patent NO : FR1300912 / (INPI 3004860) / WO2014170773, the main embodiment consists of a real photon emitter of real photons of a large wavelengths. And also in another embodiment , one is able to concentrate virtual photons in order to construct modern nuclear fusion devices .

All this is possible because of the distinction between real photon and virtual photon that has been described in his Patent No INPI 3004860. As it is the inventor who first made this distinction between real photon and virtual photon in the physical application context with respect to prior art , He was granted the patent on the real photon and thus the monopoly on all types of devices that emit real photons .

Inventor / Author : john sanjay SWAMIDAS

Patent NO : FR1300912 / (INPI 3004860) / WO2014170773

Copyright : john sanjay SWAMIDAS : 2022